Why we partnered with SheWorx, the leading global platform and event series

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Written by Caroline Rehfuss, Samsung Next Ventures

We’re excited to extend our partnership with SheWorx, the leading global platform and event series that empowers a community of 25,000+ women founders and investors to build, scale, and fund successful companies.

There is a huge opportunity to invest in more women and startups that are fundamentally solving pain points for women. Data has shown that when women-led startups do get funded, they’re more likely to be successful and employ more women, and women VC partners invest in 2x more female founding teams at early stages. However, in 2020, women-led startups received only 2.3% of venture capital funding—which was down from 2.8% in 2019.

A shared goal of ours with SheWorx is to shift from pattern-matching habits that typically exclude female founders to a reality where we are equally investing in founders, men and women, who simply are solving real pain points for consumers.

We’re honored to join the SheWorx community in the mission to bridge the funding gap for women in entrepreneurship, and through this partnership, are paving the way for more members of our Investments team to participate in SheWorx events, including speaking series, conversations with founders and funders, and content creation across our owned channels.

First up, I’ll be joining Fund the Future, a SheWorx & SoGal Summit on July 15. I’m excited to play a small part in this Summit, helping to catalyze funding to female founders through curated, 1:1 pitch sessions. 

I’m excited to meet as many early stage founders as I can. Stay tuned here for updates and learnings from the Summit!

Caroline Rehfuss is an Investor with Samsung Next.

If you’re a founder, Samsung Next Ventures would like to meet you.

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